Yvette Irene: Master Reel
Watch Yvette Irene's compilation of her work featured on HGTV, DIY and the Food Channel.
Buddha Bar: Behind the design
From the moment you find yourself standing in front of two enormous, yet intricately detailed, iron-clad gates, reading the brand’s etched signage, you just know that you are about to embark on a rather exceptional experience.
Beyond the Bed: Tips for a great guest room
Though one could argue that hosting a friend is a sweet enough gesture as is, it's always nice to go that extra mile to ensure your company is cozy. Here giving us some guest bedroom essentials was Interior Designer and Lifestyler, Yvette Irene.
Design for life change!
Life is always changing and our style must change with it! Interior Designer Yvette Irene showed us how to keep our living space equipped for life's curve ball.